The smell of my old middle school halls swirling around me.
I had my ID in hand.
I was sent to my booth.
time to VOTE.
my first time EVER voting for a president.
I had been so excited to participate in this election.I knew that America was at a crossroads and it was time for changes to occur.
One by one... I went through the different names.
A republican here, democrat there, a vote for, a vote against.
The man handed me my sticker and I was on my way.
I would say that is the moment I felt the most pride as an American.
It was the first time I felt in control of my destiny as a citizen somehow.
Everyone talks SO MUCH politics all around leading up to the election but once you stand at the booth... it is just you. You have all the freedom in the world to vote for whom ever you would like. No one can tell you which boxes to check.
What an amazing opportunity, huh?
I know people say, "why vote in utah"? and while it may be true the republican will most likely always win Utah... wouldn't you like to be a part of what happens regardless? even if you are a democrat don't you want to contribute to that popular vote.Watching the votes be counted it is a great feeling to know that one of those votes is yours.
Now, the candidate I voted for did not win.
I knew he had a chance and I was hopeful but things happen.
While I may disagree with some of the political standpoints of our current re-elected president, it is time to buckle down and support him.
I will pray for him and those he works with to lead the country in a valient manner. I will pray that priorities will be assessed and the PERTINENT things will be accomplished. I hope and pray that we don't have more of the same that we have had the past four years. I hope he proves us all wrong.
I'm not ignorant enough to say that the president has done NOTHING in four years, I just feel that he hasn't done the most important things. I almost feel that his wife has tackled more important things than he has with all she has done with fitness and nutrition.
Fact is, we can't change the election now. Things have been settled. Time to lay in the bed we've made. It is a time to come together-not time to "move to canada" (why would people want to move to canada?!)
I am grateful for the opportunity I had to participate in this election. I am an American and I am still proud to be one. Here's to the next four years.
God Bless the USA.