Wednesday, October 17, 2012

mo mo.

my little niece morgan had a birthday on monday the 15th (i can not keep up with all the babies born in OCTOBER). 
I guess she isn't so little anymore.  She is getting taller by the day and her and her sister will tower over me soon. 
Morgan is the sweetest child... with an edge!
She is growing up and becoming her own person which is beautiful to see. 
As an aunt you want your nieces especially to be these upstanding daughters of god.  You want them to shine and be an example to the world of pure womanhood.  You want them to respect themselves and stand up for what they know is right. 
well... I don't worry about Morgan.  
She makes ME want to be better.  She is so sweet, loving and kind.  
She has her edge that is usually brought out by her older brother so it's understandable :)
I am so proud of her and all that she is.  
She has goals and she accomplishes them. 
She makes choices for herself which I admire so much.
She is a strong girl and always puts on a brave face in the way of trials.  
I can't wait til she is even older and our relationship can grow into something different but just as beautiful. 
I love you Morgan and I am very proud of you.  
love. aunt aubri.

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